태그 사진



추어탕이에요. 여름내 논도랑에서 통통하게 살 오른?미꾸라지로 끓여낸 추어탕은, 환절기 보양식으로 제격이지요. 1인분에 7,000원이에요. (This is loach soup. Loach soup, which is boiled from loaches that are as fat as pigs. They are found in the ditches around the paddy fields in summer, but they are perfect as a health food during the change of seasons. It costs 7,000 won per person.)


진실과 정의를 추구하는 오마이뉴스를 후원해주세요!

후원문의 : 010-3270-3828 / 02-733-5505 (내선 0)

오마이뉴스 취재후원



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